WHO is building a prison
for all human beings!

By making legally binding requirements that give it unprecedented power, allowing member states to control their citizens, WHO is lining up Stakeholder Communism that is working it’s way into all areas of our lives.

Know the history. It doesn’t lie!

Fact #1

Since it’s inception in 1948, the WHO has been a UN agency providing recommendations and assistance to nations with their health issues—or at least, that's what we are told.

Now, it plans to issue nations with concrete orders on how to manage public health and has created a toolkit of legal structures that are useful for executing a global takeover under the pretext of responding to pandemics—therein lies the construction of a massive and costly global biosafety system—supposedly to enhance our preparedness for future pandemics or biological terrorism.

In support of this agenda, two documents are being prepared through the WHO:

  1. IHR Amendments - +307 changes to the existing International Health Regulations (2005).

  2. New Pandemic Agreement.

These documents are being negotiated in secret. The latest publicly released draft of the IHR Amendments is from April 17, 2024. Info here and here.

The latest publicly released draft of the Pandemic Agreement is from April 22, 2023. Info here and here.

Both the IHR Amendments and the Pandemic Agreement are to be presented for voting at the 77th annual meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA) in May 27 - June 1, 2024.

Fact #2

WHO Pandemic Agreement is an international treaty, designed to regulate and coordinate the response to pandemics across borders, containing provisions for rapid exchange of information, cooperation in combating pandemics, sharing of resources, and coordination of international efforts.
IHR Amendments is the legal instrument for handling the Pandemic Agreement administered by the WHO.

The amendments adopted in May 2022 are still subject to the old rules (IHR) until the new amendments take effect in May 2024. The old rules stipulate future amendments would take effect 24 months after acceptance, and nations subsequently had a period of 18 months to formally "opt out" of any new amendments. Nations opting out would be subject to the older version of the IHR instead of the new version. The amendments adopted in May 2022 now give nations a 10-month rejection period (instead of 18 months), resulting in new amendments taking effect after only 12 months (June 2025), not 24 months. This new schedules will apply to the amendments to be considered in May 2024. According to the existing rules, all nations had until the end of November 2023 to opt out of the 2022 amendments that accelerate the adoption of future amendments (18 months after May 2022 = end of November 2023).

"If we don't go back in time, we’ll miss the point of what it's all about." - Dr. David Martin

Fact #3

Fact #4

Fact #5

Fact #6

Fact #7

In 1910 the Flexner Report "Recommendations on Medical Education in the United States and Canada" was published. It was commissioned by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Contributor and funded by John D. Rockefeller. This made a radical shift away from natural therapy and medicine.

In 1913 Wellcome Trust is established. Wellcome Trust, along with the Rockefeller Foundation, sponsors a "takeover" of the English and German chemical and medical complex in Europe.

During World War II, the Wellcome Trust and Rockefeller Foundation sponsored and conducted medical experiments. Monopolies were established with the eradication of the medicine industry throughout Europe (malaria medicine, cocaine, etc.) for the introduction of "modern medicine."

After World War II, the Nuremberg trials began in 1945 and continued until 1949. The Wellcome Trust and Rockefeller Foundation needed absolute protection from prosecution for their sponsorship of crimes with their medical experiments, and in 1947, they founded the WHO under UN.

The UN grants full immunity to members and representatives of all public organizations under UN - Charter Article XVI, Section B - so that no one can ever be prosecuted. And now we have a criminal institution as a shield for the Wellcome Trust and Rockefeller Foundation with renewed marketing of "modern medicine."

In 1952-1955, the WHO carries out a massive rollout of "modern medicine" in the form of vaccines.

In 1954 the then Director-General of the WHO, Brock Chisholm, stated that it's all about "population control."

Brock Chisholm is quoted as saying; “To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.”

2009 - June:
The World Health Organization (WHO) fooled the entire world by declaring the swine flu epidemic H1N1 as a pandemic, meaning a global epidemic. It was the first in 41 years.

Investment bank JP Morgan estimated that the pharmaceutical industry would receive vaccine orders worth up to 55 billion kroner. A large part of this turnover was due to the WHO's decision.

It quickly became apparent that the influenza epidemic was not as extensive and dangerous as WHO experts predicted based on the criteria for a pandemic at the time. It was officially acknowledged that WHO experts had conflicts of interest and thus direct financial interests in several pharmaceutical companies including Roche, RW Johnson, SmithKline, Beecham, and Glaxo Wellcome.

Authorities fell for a campaign from pharmaceutical companies aimed at making money on a non-existent threat.

2009 - November:
WHO changed the definition of a pandemic.

The European Commission launched an official investigation into the WHO's handling of the H1N1 outbreak. The Commission concluded that there had been no legitimate basis for the WHO's handling, but that it had instead been greatly exaggerated, caused by unfounded fears in the populations, and that the characterization of the outbreak as a 'pandemic' was only possible because WHO had changed the criteria for a 'pandemic' two months earlier.

2017: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreysus is elected Director-General of the WHO, according to The Washington Post , with significant help from China.

While other ethnic groups in Ethiopia and Eritrea protested his candidacy due to genocide, and a long line of accusations such as corruption and his personal responsibility in not letting aid getting through to cholera outbreaks resulting in thousands of lives lost.

Fact #8

Fact #9

TNI’s current members include the BBC, EBU, ABC, AP, AFP, Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Financial Times, Meta (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp), Google, YouTube, Microsoft, New York Times, Thomson Reuters, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post. Twitter was a part of this cartel but broke away when Elon Musk took over and launched ‘X’, which still supports a modicum of ‘free speech’.

TNI supposedly combat “misinformation” while spreading disinformation themselves, such as about Ivermectin, vaccine efficiency and safety, or other supposedly scientifically backed COVID-measures. This has resulted in ongoing class action lawsuits against the TNI in the US for suppressing free speech and scientifically supported methods that would have saved countless lives and made the imposition of lockdowns unnecessary. We are a democratic movement, and we stand for free speech, no corruption, the scientific method and mutual respect between people.

We are a democratic movement, and we stand for free speech, transparency of publicly funded bodies, the scientific method and mutual respect between people. We stand against corruption and divisive methods aimed at societal control.

Calling dissenting voices Conspiracy Theorists is NOT democratic - it is highly autocratic.

And it spreads division and hate in society. 

Now the time has come to stop that!

Join us HERE to help society rebuild its sanity before it is too late.

Convened in September 2019, just in time for COVID, the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) links and controls the popular narrative presented by mainstream media outlets throughout the Nordic countries and the world.

In the Nordic countries all state-run media outlets are member outlets are members of the TNI, thereby controlling the flow of accurate information and influencing the vast majority of journalists, politicians and other decision makers in the Nordic countries are influenced by the network.


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